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We offer a 30-day money-back guarantee on all our products. If for any reason you are not entirely satisfied with the product, you may return it for a product refund. The guarantee is valid from the day the order is made on our website and covers all customers.
We accept credit cards in the form of Mastercard, Visa, American Express and Diners.
We do not offer an affiliate program at this time.
Your order will ship within 1-2 business days from the date you placed the order. Transit time will vary depending on the shipping method and destination, but generally, your products will arrive in five to seven business days (statewide).
General hours are:
9:00am to 5:00pm, Monday to Friday.

At this time we only ship within the United States.
We use high-grade 256 bit encryption to secure all transactions.
You will receive your tracking number via email as soon as it becomes available. Tracking results should start to appear after the shipping carrier picks up the package from our warehouse.
You can view our Safety Info and our Terms and Conditions here.
You can reach us via phone, email or our contact form. Click here for more information.